Strategy | Marketing | Communications | Reputation | CSR | Issues

Positioning, Branding and Communication  Specialists

Middel 1

Strategy design
Strategy execution
Marketing & BI

Middel 2

Issues, Crisis and HSE
M&A and Restructuring

Middel 3

Corporate branding
Global re-branding
Employer branding


Management of International Strategy, Marketing and Communication programs
Development M&C departments

what we do best

Supporting (international) companies with the development and execution of strategy processes and impactful communication programs.
That is what we love to do with our customers.

We support industrial and business-to-business companies with their positioning strategies, marketing programs, brand building, reputation and issue management.
In a complex (VUCA) world that is changing faster than ever and in which companies must be versatile and respond adequately to both opportunities and threats, often under complex conditions. Strategia provides a foothold: supporting them with well thought-out plans and – preferably – their implementation as well.

We feel particularly at home in industrial (BtB) sectors, such as manufacturing, metal, energy, building & construction, technical services, technology and logistics.
Within these sectors, we do business with a broad variety of companies: from family businesses and private equity to larger international companies with a global footprint.

in focus

Losberger De Boer – ESG Program and Communications
Committed to sustainability.

Losberger De Boer is one of the largest suppliers of temporary and permanent buildings in the world. Famous for its projects including several Olympic Games and prestigious events such as the Mobile World Congress and Wimbledon, as well as building terminals at large airports and building offices, factories and storage facilities for major companies. Over the past two decades, the Group has taken numerous successful steps to reduce its ecological footprint.

Covering Tomorrow
This year’s CSR report, reflects their ongoing commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices under the “Covering Tomorrow” initiative. The various interviews in the report reveal that the commitment to sustainability is deeply embedded in the company’s culture, with a proactive attitude: “If it can be done, we do it.”

At Strategia, we are proud to contribute to the CSR communications of Losberger De Boer. The great reflection of all those efforts can be found in the recently published CSR Report 2023: ‘Committed’ ….

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what we are proud of

Nooteboom Trailers

Royal Nooteboom Group – Growth Strategy
Ambitious multi-year strategy for healthy growth in special transport

To continue healthy growth in the competitive logistics market in the coming years, Strategia has developed an ambitious multi-year strategy together with Nooteboom Trailers… read more

Employees - Safety

Ecolog – Reputation and Issue management
Safety First. Always. Global issue and safety communication plan.

This international specialist in facility management, logistics and technical services operates primarily under challenging conditions in a broad variety of regions such as the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Strategia has… read more


Hertel – International Management M&C
Building a new global M&C team, strategy and program after a major restructuring process

Building a new international Marketing & Communications team, strategy and program were an integral part of Hertel’s strategy to help customers and employees… read more

who we are

Since the start, in 2007, Strategia has been supporting its clients worldwide in strategy, marketing, communications, branding, reputation and issue management. Thanks to the leading companies for which we work and have worked, we can draw from a wealth of experience. We love complex assignments, for which we not only develop the plans and strategies but preferably also execute them.

We often work at the crossroads of multiple disciplines, with people from different backgrounds, nationalities and cultures. We are both specialists and generalists. Thanks to our extensive operational hands-on experience, we understand what it takes to achieve tangible results under complex circumstances.

Searching for inspiration?

Are your strategy, leadership and culture aligned? Read here our series of articles how to realize your strategy successfully in a disruptive world.

Only 10% of organizations is effectively achieving their strategic goals
Working together with André de Wit (Leadership Academy Amsterdam) to write a series of articles about Strategy, Leadership and Organisational Culture. Big question we have is: why are so many companies not able to successfully turn their strategic plans into reality? We have bundled our expertise and experiences about the need for alignment. Interested? Read our articles and download our whitepaper to discover why alignment is paramount, how you can measure this and what actions you can take to improve your strategic execution!

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Request our whitepaper, articles or contact us.

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clients with a mission

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